Monday 14 February 2011

Storyboard (behaviour and expression of emotion)

Scene 1 – Title Patchy the Bear with Patchy sitting on the shelf.

Scene 2 - Patchy asleep (Snoring) on the shelf, with a ball next to him.

Scene 3 – Patchy waking up (Shocked) to find out that he has been placed on the shelf.

Scene 4 – Patchy confused (Hmm thinking) why has he been placed on the shelf?

Scene 5 – Patchy angry (Arrr) hits the shelf (Bangs) three times.

Scene 6 – Patchy still angry hits the ball and the ball rolls of the shelf. (Ball rolling sound)

Scene 7 – Patchy shocked watches the ball bouncing around the room. (Ball bouncing sound)

Scene 8 – Patchy closes his eyes when the ball breaks (Smash) an object.

Scene 9 – Patchy opens his eyes and looks sad (trombone) for breaking the object and drops his head down.

Scene 10 – Patchy still upset (Sniff) hears his owner looking for him, Patchy sits up with a smile (Ping).

Scene 11 – Patchy happy that his owner finds him winks (Ding).

Scene 12 – Fade to black, end credits.