Friday 18 February 2011

Modelling Patchy Part1

The model got underway with using a box, which I started shaping, using the edit poly modifier and moving polygons and vertex’s around to get a teddy bear shape body. I used the poly modifier and extruding tool in order to make the various parts of his body including each of the legs and arms.

The head was created as a separate object. I applied the same technologies that were used on the body, to get a teddy bear shape head. I extruded out parts for his ears.

I then attached the head to the body and had to weld the vertexes together, which was not easy since some of the vertexes would not weld no mater what I attempted to do. I solved the problem by deleting some parts of both the head and the body and using the tools ‘create and cut’ in edit geometry section, I created new polygons and was able to attach the two parts together.